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Food insecurity

1 out of 9 people, and 1 in 7 children, in America don't know where or when they will find their next meal. That means more than 34 million people in America deal with food insecurity. Our most vulnerable communities like -children, the elderly and disabled - are disproportionately affected with no means to provide for themselves.


Food waste

In America, 72 billion pounds (that's right, with a "b") of perfectly good food end up in landfills and incinerators each year. That equates to $218 billion being dumped each year. We think that stinks.


closing the loop

Hunger relief organizations are the heroes working on solving both. By working directly with partners in the food supply chain - farmers, manufacturers, and retailers - they can save the nutritious food from ending up in a landfill and divert it to someone in need. But by saving the food "just in time", these organizations face significant costs to complete the social good loop: receiving/sorting, quality checking, cold storage, and actual delivery to those in need. 

That's where we come in. Simple Vodka provides 1 meal per drink sold to those in need through direct support of the local and national hunger relief organizations. 1 drink = 1 meal, that’s Simple.


Don’t drink? You can still help!